Sunday, May 12, 2013

The State of My Home #2

Today is Mother's Day and I'm enjoying it with the smallest little one I've ever had on a Mother's Day.  As the start of a brand new week, I'm going to take this opportunity to reassess the state of my home and come up with a plan for this week.

Previous Goals
  • Keep up with the dishes
  • Get laundry folded and put away in a timely manner
  • Get the dress for my baby's baptism finished and put away everything that's currently in my kitchen for the project
  • Get the top of the top of the piano cleared off so my middle child can stop climbing up the piano to investigate what's up there

How did I do?  Umm... well... Honestly, not well.  My baby was baptized yesterday and I did get the dress finished (after midnight Friday night/Saturday morning) and I got the sewing machine and supplies put away this afternoon.  I managed to keep up with the dishes with the help of my husband.  What about the rest of the list?  The other goals pretty much fell by the wayside.

Current Status of My Home
I just finished clearing off the kitchen table, taking all the things I used to make my daughter's dress downstairs to my sewing room (which is too messy to actually sew in) and swept the floor.  The dishes are caught up.  So, other than the clutter on the cabinets and credenza, it's in decent shape.

The bathrooms still need to be cleaned, although I did clean the sink in the hall bathroom before washing a wool diaper cover Friday.  I just straightened them up, so they're presentable if not truly clean.

Laundry?  I moved a couple overfull laundry baskets out of the kitchen to the living room to sleep.  And they mostly have sheets (from my oldest wetting her bed) and diapers.  I'm probably 5 loads behind on clothes to wash and 4-5 loads behind on laundry to put away.

The living room floor is covered with toys.  I haven't seen the top of my dresser in ages.  I've got lots of opportunities for improvement!

  • Keep up with the dishes
  • Get caught up on the laundry and make sure it gets put away
  • Get the top of the top of the piano cleared off so my middle child can stop climbing up the piano to investigate what's up there
  • Find the parts I lost from the baby's extra car seat, get it put back together and get it installed in my husband's car. (I took the cover off to wash it and put the parts that attach it somewhere for safe keeping; I just don't remember where that somewhere is.)
This still doesn't seem like it should be much, but realistically I know that getting back on track with laundry is going to take some work. 

On a good note though, my older two children just got up from naps and wanted a snack and my daughter was pleasantly surprised to find the table cleared off and to be able to pick any seat she wanted to sit in.

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